My little buddy recently turned 2 years old! I’m still in a bit of shock, ha ha! Life has been rather hectic lately, so I haven’t had time to do his 2 year portraits, but we managed to sneak in a quick cake smash after his Sesame Street birthday party. Who says cake smash sessions are only for 1st birthdays?!
Happy Birthday, Jaxon!
The Mercer Triplets!
It’s not every day that I have the opportunity to photograph triplets (heck, this was the first time!). Proud parents, Jennifer and Rodney, were handling this trio like pros! What a pleasure to have these three babies come from Central Newfoundland to have their 6 month portraits taken!
They grow too fast!
You may remember Kaylee from her adorable newborn portraits and her super-smile-y 1 year portraits and cake smash session! Here’s a shot from her visit to the studio at 18 months. As pretty as ever!
Newfoundland Photographer | Bay Roberts, St. John’s, Avalon
I met Andrew and Leah a year ago, and had the pleasure of photographing them again this month. They are ridiculously sweet (even without the cake)!
Avery’s Birthday Pictures | Newfoundland Photographer
My god-daughter, Avery, recently turned 2 years old. I still remember visiting her in the hospital when she was born…oh my, the years go by too quickly!
Beautiful Newborn Portraits of Norah | St. John’s Newfoundland Photographer
I have so many newborn props that I often forget about some of them. Baby Norah was modelling my new white set, when I thought about this colorful hat that would be perfect for Easter (which was just around the corner at the time).
Havana turns 1 year!
You may remember Havana was an adorable lioness at her newborn session. Here she is as a little lady, already 1 year old!
Baby Portraits | Bay Roberts Photographer
Meet Beth! She’s the precious addition to our soon-to-be-neighbors’ family. I’m looking forward to watching her grow and play with Jaxon! The pictures from Beth’s newborn portrait session are some of the best photographs / my favorite photographs I’ve taken to date. Here are a handful…I hope you can handle the sweetness
Newborn portraits | St. John’s Baby Photographer
Not only is baby Jack looking quite adorable, but his proud parents – Andrea & Chris – are just gleaming with happiness
What a fabulous family! I’m so happy they came to me from St. John’s for their new family portrait!
Photography Workshop: Learn to use your camera | Newfoundland
The next Basic Photography workshop is scheduled for MAY 26th. Workshop information can be found on the workshop page in the website menu.
Would you like to learn how to use your dSLR camera to take great pictures? You need to get out of Auto Mode and take control of your camera! Remember, it’s not the camera that takes great pictures, it’s the person in control of the camera Happy Shooting!
© 2022 Brandi Gosse Photography. All Rights Reserved.